Part 4 - Part 3
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, who as a devoted Christian Priest possessing a sound Scientific background, saw first hand that Evolution was the way Nature built things.
In common with other brilliant and inquiring Minds who preceded him, he distinguished another element along-side the Physical.
Life is more than just physical
Pierre dedicated his life to both Physical Evolution, and this other, intangible, element of Nature.
That intangible element is the misunderstood Spiritual dimension of the Universe.
Embracing the entire spectrum of Human Evolution, his lifework covered both Physical and Mental progress.
Although we live out our lives, in an ostensibly Physical World, focuses mainly on the Intellectual and Spiritual.
Pierre's efforts help us to perceive and assimilate how this Intangible Spiritual Element of the Universe is the precursor, and source of everything Physical and Material.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin proposed that
a super-stratum envelopes Earth. He designated this super-stratum the Noosphere. The
Sphere Of Mind. An additional stratum, superimposed over the
Biosphere and Lithosphere. Composed entirely of Human Thought. Yours
and mine.
Pierre was of the definite Mindset that each, and every, Human Being, should be permitted to express themselves fully. Believing as this expression took hold it would hasten the evolution and maturity
of his Noosphere. And culminate in what he termed the Omega Point.
In Pierre's Noosphere,Thought follows the curvature of the Earth. As do Radio Waves. The Noosphere reflects the raw state of the art of Humanities Thinking, the dynamical and active evolution of Human Thought.
Infinite and boundless, accumulating, concentrating, and developing ever increasing intensity and convergence, the Noosphere matures into a composite Cloud Of Knowledge. Accessible to all Humans.
Thought mixing, melding, and cross breeding. Which then manifests itself, via our actions, as the Physical State that Humanity finds itself in.
This is the aspect of the Spiritual World every Human contributes to. Doing so Consciously, or Unconsciously, on a Thought by Thought basis. Every Thought an individual permits themself to entertain, either adds or detracts value.
A cold, sober, dispassionate, understanding of this view should be all the incentive one needs to take charge of their Mind. And direct his or her Thoughts with utter clarity and awareness.
Entertaining no Thoughts that might contribute to the distress and suffering we have already inflicted upon ourselves, and our living - some would say dying - Planet we call home.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin lived and worked during critically turbulent times for Science. New discoveries were challenging many of the old and accepted theories.
head scratching Discipline of Quantum Mechanics was a mere youth and
providing much grist for the Scientific Mill when Pierre purportedly
first put pen to paper. Quantum Mechanics continues to perplex the best Minds today.
Human Beings were exercising their rapidly increasing ability to
master the Air, as in Flight, and Airwaves, as in Frequencies including
Radio Astronomy. Therapeutic Medicine was experiencing significant
Molecular Biology and its first cousin, Chemistry,
were taking tentative forward steps. Atomic Theory not only made its
presence felt but presented an opportunity to destroy ourselves.
Einstein's General, and Special, Theories Of Relativity, and Charles Darwin's Theory Of Evolution were gaining traction.
By proving themselves in practice
These intellectually founded activities, whose source of Knowledge, and subsequent proof of Validity, emanating from Higher Plane Thinking powered by Intuition, awakened Intelligent Minds all over the Planet to the wonders of Nature. In the process exposing superstition and the so called supernatural for what it is. Namely, absolute nonsense.
Written against this solid backdrop of emerging, and consolidating scientific disciplines flexing their factual muscles, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's definitive Tome, The Phenomenon of Man - provides insights as to how great discoveries come about.
The foregoing insight applies to all Human Thinking, and delivers a stupendous reminder that Thought precedes every Action.
As a Seed seeks Sunlight from the depths of the soil, the Human Mind seeks Truth from the depths of Ignorance. The embryonic plant's quest is relatively simple and straight forward, if given favorable growing conditions.
If favorable conditions are not met, the consequences can be just as barren, and
fruitless, as Wrong Thinking. That is all they have in common though.
If an organic seed does not sprout, that's the end of the story. Not so with Wrong Thinking.
Wrong Thinking harbors potential disaster. Beyond our intentions merely not working.
We Humans are free to choose what we Believe to be the Truth. Which introduces a serious element of possible
error when Truth is not founded in rigorous inquiry.
Great Minds Think Alike - is more than a classy aphorism. Great Minds do indeed think alike. Great Minds invariably arrive at the Truth, no matter how tortuous the path.
They do not rest on their laurels, in smug satisfaction. Great minds
seek deeper Truth while remaining open to the slightest change.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was one such Mind.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Rocks!
Part 4 - Part 3
Next - Spiritual Intelligence And Evolution