What is Personal Development is a question of some significance. The answer flows deep. This page merely scratches the surface describing this fascinating phenomenon. This Website investigates Personal Development in its naked entirety. An approach that is imperative if we are to come even close to nailing a phenomenon that is fundamental to attaining civil society where evil is redundant.
Responding to Natural Law - Personal Development is a Scientific Discipline
Via an individual's Thoughts and Emotions, the Human Mind responds impartially to whatever Natural law he or she applies to it. A given response can be elicited Consciously, or it can be a product of autopilot borne of Habit.
It is this response factor that renders Mind Expansion so exciting. Comparable to comprehending functionality in the Material World, once one understands how a process behaves, that knowledge can be depended upon, and its benefits reproduced at will, ad infinitum.
Personal Development is the medium individuals employ to Purposely, and Consciously, appropriate Nature's Law to expand, shape, and direct the Human Mind.
Comprehending how one's mind functions is perhaps the most important article of knowledge a Human Being can possess.
Acquiring that comprehension, is the express purpose of pdThinker.com.
Every thing in the universe is in balance - - - Except Human Relationships, and many Human activities. Personal Development goes the distance in providing the solution to this intolerable problem.
Personal Development leads in the direction of Self Reliance. Self reliance empowers one with the ability to solve problems, of any magnitude that you have the Desire and innate ability to solve.
Personal Development
is purposely constructing a definite State Of Mind. A formal state of Being where your Conscious Awareness is in distinct charge of your Emotions, offering ample capacity to take charge of your Actions.
A stable state of Mind whereby you prevent your external environment from randomly manipulating and governing your inner Thoughts. And hence, deeds.
This stable state of Mind just happens to be the very best defense against the debilitating and destructive effects of fake news.
Fake news is the favored weapon of weak minded entities who are bereft of Moral Principles that encourage Social Cohesion. As a manipulative weapon used against fellow Humans, it is subordinate only to violence. Fake news has no support amongst Good Humans who practice Mind Expansion.
We Humans are robust living machines, capable of being infinitely modified and tweaked. You set your parameters, and alter them to suit the objectives, and goals, of the strong Character you want to reflect.
You are designing You - Building your Character to order
By definition, Personal Development is administered on an individual foundation. Each person is responsible for seeking the necessary
knowledge that enables the desired advancement, or change, then putting that knowledge into
Exercising this prerogative is Personal Initiative - an integral element of this Philosophy
Personal Development means being in possession of the wider vision, equipping you to respond to each and every situation Positively, and attain a productive outcome.
Possessing a wider vision eliminates that common Emotional Response of retaliation. There is nothing to gain from retaliation whatsoever, yet plenty to lose.
We all exert influences on ourselves. Wisely practicing Personal Development is that influence which leads to a continuing advancement in our Spiritual make-up.
Advancement is not achieved by force. Advances are achieved by purposely shaping our Mind and practicing the changes you make, until they become automatic, that is, Habit. As noted at the top of this page.
Mind Expansion is not a formula. One doesn't do Personal Development. It is what you are. It is who you are. It takes commitment, dedication, perseverance and a willingness to learn.
It is important to realize that there is no silver bullet
But . . .
Once you commit to, and embark upon the journey of self discovery, and begin to grasp, and use, the enormous Power at your disposal, you will be hooked. No thing, or person, will ever dissuade you from continuing this exhilarating lifelong adventure.
Personal Development is not a burdensome task. it is a joyous way of living life. Chosen and implemented by the individual, that is, you.
The whole purpose of developing oneself is to attain a higher level of Mental Tune, where your mind is operating at progressively higher frequencies.
At these higher frequencies one finds problem solving a welcome challenge, and a joy, neither a burden nor impossible.
Although initially much effort is required, this manner of thinking rapidly becomes second nature.
There are no known boundaries to the phenomenon of Thinking on a higher plane.
This author perceives higher plane Thought as a steep stairway that demands effort to climb. Nevertheless he considers such effort an insignificant price to pay for access to the source of all things. That source of all things is the Storehouse Of Knowledge. The storehouse of knowledge is accessed via one's Intuition.
Personal Development is expanding and optimizing your Mind. Once it has been expanded by the understanding of a new concept or idea, your Mind does not return to its former smaller size. Unless you allow it to.
While you may remain on a particular plateau, for a time, it is more usual to continually seek out new opportunities of mind expansion via knowledge, information, or experience, and on the highest plane, your Intuition.
Mind expansion underpins all Human progress.
Personal Development is a gift from Nature. Ultimately, it is the ability to live, in flowing Harmony, with Nature, by mastering and applying Her Law to our every Thought, and hence, Action.
When you do so, She becomes your enthusiastic partner.
Nature endows your Mind with the Power to consistently solve problems, with
equanimity. In the process sedately accomplishing your perception of success.
Within the question What is Personal Development, resides the answer to the ultimate secret of the Human Mind.
Personal Development Rocks!
Personal Development is living an excuse free life