Part - 1
Building, nurturing, and maintaining a strong, Healthy Ego is the very best place to start on your journey to Enlightenment.
Prescient Mind, Albert Einstein, famously commented that nothing happens, until something moves. The same could be said about Personal Development and one's ego.
Mind Development can not take place, until your ego is firmly under your Care, and Direction.
If you have been studying this site diligently, you will be well on the way to accelerating this never ending, exhilarating, process of Mind Expansion.
So far, to this end, we have accumulated a useful working knowledge of our visible hardware.
We have examined the invisible Elements, known as the Metaphysical, and witnessed application of Human intelligence, generated by the wise use of your greatest asset, your Mind. Produced by your Brain.
It's time to investigate the software available that permits one to shape, and tune, the visible hardware, to maximize it's potential.
A healthy ego plays a major role.
One's journey to enlightenment begins, and ends, with the Ego, or, to coin a phrase, your Emotional Epicenter. From this inspiring wellspring of Emotions emanates the full power of your personality. This is your Self Image, or Persona.
This self image is what is projected onto the public screen of life by your Limbic System. And that persona's construction is as visible to intelligent eyes and ears as anything physical.
Personal development hones the acuity of this sense of insight intelligent eyes and ears have access to. We are actors on the stage of Life, who create their own Character.
We start with ego because that is one's sum total. Everything you do, every move you make, every step you take, is dependent on your Wellspring of Emotions.
Much is said, good and bad, about the ego. But it is how, as
individuals, we use this powerful element of being alive and Human that
really counts.
Without bothering ourselves with the complex and contested theories of Psychoanalysis, typified by Sigmund Freud, we can define ego as synonymous with self. Ego is “I” -
Ego is the essence of one's individuality.
Notwithstanding individuality, we are all part of a bigger whole. That bigger whole being no less than the Universe itself.
“I" am my habits. My habits are formed by my recurring thoughts. Once formed, habits take over, heavily influencing how my thinking develops. And by extension, how I respond to my environment.
The majority of Humans Beings allow their habits to be formed unconsciously. Captive to the vagaries of chance.
Eliminating chance, is the best of reasons, to take charge of your mind, and consciously and purposely develop a healthy ego.
Follow through on constructing an estimable Ego and every other component composing this philosophy of Mind Expansion, will, over time and with dedicated application, slot silkily into place.
If you are already on the path of liberating your Mind Power, you will know that the start and initial follow through are the toughest bits. But you also know it gets easier, and enjoyable as you progressively take charge of your Mind.
Greek Philosopher Plato came straight to the point, highlighting the starkness of choice, when, two and a half millennium ago, he told us -
The first and best victory is to conquer self. To be conquered by self, is, of all things, the most shameful and vile.
As pungent as Plato's dictum is, it clearly defines the sharp difference between a healthy ego and egotism.
Your ego is healthy when you have mastered self, placing you firmly on the path of mind expansion. That is, Personal Development. At it's extreme, egotism leaves one wallowing in a narrow minded world of attention demanding self centered conceitedness.
Extreme egoism is less prevalent than the egoism that leads to poor self image and lack of confidence, where one uses an inflated ego to attract attention with the hopeful intention of impressing others.
Paradoxically, egoism is rooted in a lack of self esteem, which is usually a product of a lack of understanding of how the mind functions. Almost all Humanities Relationship woes, whether individual or international, can be traced to this simple fact.
To implement changes, for the better, one's ego responds best to gentle persuasion. Being a tough guy on your ego does not work. The initial step on the journey to a healthy ego is self acceptance.
When you begin to win the intellectual battle with your ego, and the first sparks of Inner Harmony shine forth you will realize that rather than merely attaining a victory over self, you have now discovered your greatest ally.
Rejoice. A Healthy Ego is in the making.
Accompanying this realization will be the opportunity to construct a close, cooperative, consultative, wise partnership with your Other Self. Self Reliance is in the offing, via a partnership that will ever be on call, and will serve you for a lifetime.
A Healthy Ego Rocks!
Part - 1
Next - Your Most Important Partner