Part 1
What do Intellectual Property Rights and Personal Development have to do with each other?
In one word, everything.
Intellectual Property is the Currency of the future. This Currency finds it's genesis in the single most powerful influence in the Universe.
That influence is Thought
How an individual learns to administer and execute this new currency will directly influence our future freedom. And well-being.
Freedom pivots on mind expansion.
Mind expansion is personal development. The sage accommodation of Thought, for the better.
In today's World, Intellectual Property Rights in general, but Copyright in particular, impacts almost every facet of life. Encompassing distance learning education and educators, through regular business, and business people making a living, to entertainment and social activities.
Even the seemingly innocent action of sending an e-mail, can presently put one on the wrong side of the law. In this digital age we need to be much more familiar with our responsibilities and rights.
The phenomenon of the World Wide Web has, not surprisingly, become an essential, far reaching, element of our daily lives and existence.
To facilitate unconstrained functioning, of this powerhouse of knowledge distribution, income stream producer, and occupation creator, in a democratic manner, we must ensure that the Internet remains free and open.
As users we are all responsible for the attainment and maintenance of this practical purpose. Content creators, content distributors, consumers and legislators. All must work together to build and maintain an environment where knowledge is readily accessible and every creator gets compensated for legitimate effort.
Mindlessly attempting to dominate and or simply take advantage of each other has timelessly proven to be counterproductive. We simply hit the brick wall of defiance. And find ourselves wallowing in chaos, of others making.
The possibility of eight billion individuals squabbling and quarreling evokes a tiresome image of the ultimate in chaos. Is this what we want?
Personal Development, where we all focus on higher planes of Thought that deliver practical answers to any and all problems, is the obvious supreme solution. But equally obvious is the fact that Humanity is not going to reach those planes in one simple and easy homogeneous leap. Not by a long shot. Hence the importance of arriving at the causative decision to adopt the philosophy of Mind Expansion as an Individual Initiative.
These rights become especially important as more of us recognize the Web as a major source to generate an independent income
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To progress as a Society per se, Humanity per se, is obliged to find equitable solutions to the ever present challenging hurdle of ignorance and it's attendant cohort of undesirable and unintentional consequences.
We should be seeking solutions that adequately encompass and resolve problems and educate an individual in a satisfying manner.
On both the collective level, and the level of the individual we should be seeking resolutions that are so fair, and so effectively beneficial, that the only objections will appear to come from lonely souls who project a diehard greedy, and selfish, Attitude.
Acceptable solutions can be sourced by genuine expanded minds, operating on Higher Planes of Thought, reached via Personal Development.
Higher Planes Of Thought are not the source of Draconian Legislation. No matter how crudely satisfying it may initially seem to be to vested interests, to interfere with others lives.
It is Lower Plane Thinking that provides grist for the mill of Domination. And Trouble.
If Humans are to construct and maintain an equitable, cohesive society, with the bedrock
of self expression intact, then the laws of the land must reflect and
encourage such a healthy environment. Today, that environment means Worldwide.
will be men and women with the Wider Vision born of Deep Thinking and Expanded Mind who resolve the current self inflicted disorder we are
suffering. And clarify the future, where we can all create with
impunity. Grounded in respect for each other as equal Human Beings, no
matter our calling.
Creativity is the bedrock, and foundation, of all Human Advances, intellectual, economical, and social.
Bad, or just plain wrong, legislation, that interferes with the flow of any information may be of limited temporary benefit an elite few, but it will prove to be the killer of Personal Initiative.
This fact is readily observed by a casual glance at the state of the Human Condition of Nations that accept domination as a way of Life. Why are we so complacent, you may legitimately ask.
If the individual can comprehend, and accept, that Intellectual Property Rights are a fundamental Human Rights issue, then it becomes easy to acknowledge these rights.
And equally easy to extend these rights to each other.
Just this one intelligent move, would forever eliminate that knee jerk temptation to introduce mind bending legislation, that counters creativity, and freezes it in it's collective tracks.
Intellectual Property Rights Rock!
Part 1
Next - Moral Integrity