Part 3 - Part 2
Without your Brain Lobes Life wouldn't be quite as exciting as it is. Let's undo a few bolts and have a closer look to find out why. This is an excellent opportunity to make special note of the well known fact that every Human on the Planet possesses a copy of this mechanism we call a Brain.
What does not seem to be so well known is the fact that this amazing center of Potential Intelligence can be placed under an individual's direct influence.
Our Potential Intelligence is so malleable that it can be shaped to reflect and implement the abilities and capabilities inherent in our genetic makeup, to what ever degree of proficiency one desires.
It is also edifying to note at this stage - and keep at the forefront of our conscious awareness - the wisdom implicit in that insightful Irish proverb domiciled to your upper right.
It is this sameness and difference that has enabled Human Beings to survive and colonize the Planet as successfully as have the Grasses. Or indeed, Locusts. Regrettably, it is the deluded misinterpretation of the right to Autonomy in our sameness and difference that has prompted the horrendous upheavals Humans have suffered throughout History. Upheavals that impose unnecessary misery that cannot be alleviated via our current approach to Life and Behavior.
Even within our modern era, living in an Age of astonishing Technical achievement, extensive formal Education, and Communication, this misunderstanding remains the ultimate cause of our behavioral woes. It is the primary reason we are so seemingly impotent in our efforts to resolve the self inflicted misery that engulfs us and threatens to inevitably lead to our demise as a species.
Notwithstanding Humanities astonishing technical prowess, technology has not provided any resolution to the behavioral predicaments we allow ourselves to engender. Yet, resolution of problems, in any dimension, is to be found in the same source that is as readily available to every individual, as is the oxygen in the air that we breathe.
That source of problem resolution - any problem - is Thought. Courtesy of your Brain.
When we amalgamate our knowledge and comprehension of Natural Law with our skilled manipulation of the aforementioned malleability of our potential intelligence, we can create a steel trap Mind that contributes - in our own way - to extricating Humanity from the morass of unnecessary conflict we find ourselves in.
steel trap mind is available to any Human who is prepared to undertake the cognitive effort demanded by Nature. Such a mind is built via knowledge - founded in Natural Law - and the power of Thought.
Thought powers your Mind. is dedicated to investigating and analyzing the power of Thought and warmly welcomes fellow travelers.
The remaining Lobe is known as the Occipital Lobe. This lobe is all about our vision, in the physical sense.
The Cerebral Hemispheres are separated into four pair of Lobes by Fissures. Fissures are deep, narrow openings given wonderfully romantic titles, such as the Fissure of Sylvius which separates the Frontal and Temporal Lobes. Or the Fissure of Rolando, separating the Frontal and Parietal Lobes.
The Lobes of each Hemisphere are so named in reference to the position that they occupy in the Cranium. (Skull)
Image by Camazine via Creative Commons 3.0
In addition to performing their primary function of keeping the four Lobes separated, these Fissures also serve to increase the surface area of the Brain. The greater the surface area the more Neurons can be packed in.
The more Neurons that can be packed in to the available space, the mightier is the Potential Intelligence efficacy.
It is this Potential Intelligence that Personal Development is vitally interested in. Brain Lobes rock!!
Used here to illustrate the depth of the Fissure of Rolando, highlighted in red, this image of the Human Brain can also serve as a cordial reminder that while externally it may imitate a boxing glove, it packs an infinitely more powerful problem solving punch than a destructive fist.
This author lives quietly for the enlightening day when our World - and other - Leaders come to recognize the difference between the power of their Minds, and the power of their fists.
folds of the Brain Mass constituting the Lobes, are termed
Gyri. The groove, on either side of a Gyrus, is
termed Sulcus, and, in common with Fissures,
Sulci serve to increase Brain surface area.
Gyri and Sulci are the plural form of Gyrus and Sulcus.
Though similar to a fissure, a Sulcus is molded from a fold of Brain mass and is not as deep as the lobe separating Fissures.
No pun intended . . .
Representing the better part of half the Cerebrum, Frontal Lobes sit, appropriately, at the foremost or Anterior position of the Cranium.
The Frontal Lobes, of which the Prefrontal Lobes form a part, are engaged with the advanced Mental and Intellectual aspects of Being, that identify we Humans as Human. Aspects include Conscious Awareness, Self Awareness, Conscious Thinking, Subconscious Thinking, Intuition, guiding the Emotions, Personality, Imagination, Reflection, Concentration, Voluntary Action, Speech, and Llanguage.
Perched above the ears, containing the Primary Auditory Cortex, sits the sound processing center of the Brain Structure. Other Temporal Lobe duties involve assisting the Occipital Lobe to constitute images, and it also plays a part in Memory, Language, and Semantics.
The second largest of these four major Lobes, processes Physical Sensations and Feelings such as Tactile (touch, pressure), Temperature, Pain, Pleasure, the capability to perceive Limb Movement and Position, and Electric Shock etc.
Situated behind the Frontal, and above the Temporal Lobes, in each Hemisphere, the Parietal Lobe communicates with every part of the body via the Somatosensory Cortex, which shares it's location alongside the Fissure of Rolando with the Motor Cortex. The Fissure of Rolando is also dubbed the Central Sulcus.
Commonly known as the Visual Cortex, located at the rearmost lower, part of the Cerebrum, near the Occipital Bone of the Cranium, the Occipital Lobe basks in the important role as the sole caretaker of everything ocular.
Though processing Vision appears to be the Occipital Lobes' solitary function, it executes this function with much interaction with other parts of the Brain.
The Term Somatosensory refers to communication
between the Body and the Brain. This electrochemical phenomenon takes place without our conscious input or awareness, moving at breathtaking speed.
Somatosensory also refers to the Sensory
Systems, that relay any of the type of feelings and sensations,
produced by our Brain Lobes, mentioned above, from any part of one's body, via the Peripheral
Nervous System, to a specific area of the Somatosensory
Cortex that is dedicated to that particular body part.
The Motor Cortex is on call to stimulate to action any of the muscles involved in executing a voluntary movement.
In common with it's Sensory Cortex neighbor the Motor Cortex exhibits a dedicated region for every part of the body it can communicate with. Likewise, as with the Sensory Cortex, commands are executed via the Peripheral Nervous System.
In addition to performing their specific Motor or Sensory function, each of the Brain Lobes form part of an immense association network that combines perception and experience into a presentation that we can - hopefully - make sense of.
It is the associative networking of our Brain Lobes that give us, as individuals, an integrated view of our Environment.
An environment founded in our - individual - interpretation and comprehension of the implicit wisdom offered by working in Harmony with Nature to produce a Personal Reality that aligns with our dreams and aspirations.
Who said life was complicated?
Human Brain Lobes Rock!
Part 3 - Part 2