Simply put, lack of Cooperation is the fundamental cause of the majority of the calamitous situations Humanity faces. We Humans are no strangers to the Law of Cooperation. It is this very Law of Nature that has allowed us to progress to the standard of living we enjoy in the advanced Societies of today's world.
Progress, maybe.
In view of our detached, haphazard, application of this Law of cooperation, Stagger and Lurch is a touch more accurate way to describe Humanities advance.
Misconstruing this Law has deprived multitudes of their rightful and due inheritance, from Nature, to conduct a fulfilled life. A lesson, as a species, we don't appear to be prepared to learn.
When used sagaciously and judiciously as our biological label, Homo Sapiens, indicates we should, cooperation offers the means to resolving any, and all problems, we have the resolute persistence to resolve.
Any problem, from interpersonal to international.
If cooperation is indeed the agency by which the Human Race progresses in every sphere of existence, then a lack of cooperation should be regarded as a dangerous impediment to this process.
These Laws can be ignored or disregarded, absolutely. Human Beings are doing just that constantly, incessantly, - then, when expected results do not materialize, wonder what went awry with their plans.
And their lives.
When one refuses to acknowledge, or disregards, a Natural Law, purposely, or otherwise, we merely set in motion a Train Of Events that travels towards a different destination than the one we initially anticipated.
So it is when we refuse to work together
Cooperation is not doing another person's bidding. Although at times doing so may be perfectly appropriate. Intelligent cooperation is a Positive Thinking Attitude and a committed demonstration of knowledge.
Maintaining a Positive Attitude ensures an individual always follows through with a given shared intention. Confident in the knowledge that one's actions coinciding with another's, or others, will deliver certain and definite results.
Anticipation of predefined consequences implies a thorough understanding of just what the shared goal is.
Comprehension of an expected outcome is exemplified by the Wright Brothers whose definite desired result was to attain powered flight in a heavier than air vehicle.
Fulfilling this desire meant apprehending the Natural Laws that allowed them to achieve such a breathtaking goal.
These two distinguished Thinkers categorically grasped that going against Nature was costly and time wasting. The Wright brothers understanding of Natural Law in relation to Flight left them a wide open field virtually to themselves.
Orville and Wilbur Wright went about the uncovering of Natures Secrets in a methodical and clear-headed fashion. Their sound Thinking skills offer insights for politicians and leaders who cling to a lack of cooperation as if it were a powerful weapon. In the dangerously misguided Belief that obtaining advantage over their fellows is of higher priority than achieving goals via the Scientific Method.
Lack of cooperation can of course, be a powerful weapon. If an individual, or group, intend to be manipulative, self interested, and disruptive. Behavior that immediately calls into question the accompanying lack of Intelligent Thought.
A refusal to work together merely aggravates time and resource wasting situations.
Incongruous and recalcitrant Behavior is not restricted to intractable children. Sadly, like a blight, incongruity permeates every level of society on the planet. A blight recognizable by the disastrous states these Undesirable traits spawn, as orchestrated by the selfish desires of protagonists.
Protagonists, whose refusal to share, either materially or intellectually, is a threat to all things we Humanly value. Ranging from personal relationships to the welfare of our environment, and it's every inhabitant, on a macro scale.
Where-ever teamwork can reasonably be expected, and let's face it, that is is just about every where we Humans interact, it yields dividends when we remain aware of the fact that cooperation is a two way street. Then, by using our initiative, encourage others to act accordingly.
The cause of Lack Of Cooperation is that selfish approach to Life epitomized by a Negative Attitude.
A negative attitude is a State Of Mind which itself has it's basis in a lack of knowledge and understanding of the Law of Cooperation.
Every Negative Attitude is founded in a deficiency of knowledge and understanding that must be addressed before any behavioral progress can be made.
Willing cooperation, is exhibited by responsible, knowledgeable Good Humans. Even at times when cooperating means they will be temporally disadvantaged in favor of the Greater Good. These wise Thinking folk know implicitly, like the Wright brothers, that we cannot fool Nature. Her books must - eventually - balance.
These wise Thinking Human Beings also implicitly comprehend that it is within the realm of Creative Thought, aka the Storehouse of Knowledge, that solutions to all problems, except behavior, reside.
Solutions that enable Behavioral Correction reside within every individual's distinct, coherent understanding of how their own Thoughts determine their actions, via their Emotions.
The most powerful influence on those who practice a lack of cooperation is not expressing dire threats of punishment. Neither is it retaliation. Nor legislation.
The real solution to lack of cooperation is an earnest appeal to their Emotions, via demonstrating our own willingness to work together and Share. By functioning harmoniously on a Personal Level, on a Leadership Level, and in particular, on a Political Level.
Then, as the evidence accumulates that working together always pays superior dividends, we allow their innate intelligence do the sums. When understanding takes hold, cooperation will follow.
When the premise is accepted that individuals possess the key to their own behavior then the solution to a lack of cooperation becomes simple. And inexorable.
Personal Development Rocks!
Next - New Era Of Cooperation