Intrinsically incorporated as the Laws of Nature, the Laws of Physics are applicable and essential to everything material.
Physical events are dependent on, and respond in a predictable manner, in given circumstances, to the relevant laws of Nature.
If we know what these given circumstances are, we can confidently predict what the response, or result of that particular interaction, will be.
Understanding this Reality has proven to be of huge benefit to Humanities material progress.
Misuse, and abuse, of the Laws of Nature has been a cause of horrendous mental and physical agony, inflicted on Humanity, by evil minds.
Good Humans do not harm - anything - on purpose.
Nevertheless, we often need experience to appreciate the full impact of the consequences of our actions.
As we make progress on the path of Mind Expansion, we become evermore conscious of this caution, to be aware and examine our intentions with wisdom borne of our experiences, and our innate determination to understand Nature's immutable, inexorable, Laws.
Doing the right thing becomes our unquestionable priority. We ‘know’ we are building on rock solid foundations, when our intention is to make progress without inflicting harm.
Integrated with and inseparable from the Physical Laws of Nature are the Spiritual Laws of Nature. Spiritual Laws, in turn, are integrated with, and inseparable from, Human nature.
Natural Law and Human nature establishes the driving force of our existence. This motivation force is of vital interest to Personal Development.
While the Laws of Physics can be described in mathematical terms, Spiritual Laws cannot - at least not yet - but they are none the less real.
When these two disciplines are understood and utilized as one Entity we create a partnership with Nature, and She becomes our greatest ally.
Working in Harmonious partnership, with Natural Law, establishes an individual solidly on the path of Mind Expansion that leads to the discovery and comprehension of the Greatest Secret of the Human Mind.
Nature, via Her law, is so eager to please She gives you exactly what you ask for. Nature responds to your Thoughts you permit yourself to repetitively contemplate and are Emotional about. And - you are prepared to go the Extra Mile to attain.
Your intensity of Desire, and clarity of your request dictate the outcome you receive, via your Subconscious Mind, which then must be interpreted by your Conscious Mind. If your request is not fulfilled satisfactorily, then your solicitation must be refined and resubmitted.
Nature does not make distinctions between Good and evil - it is we Humans who make that call. In exactly the same manner as it is we Humans who choose between Positive and negative Thoughts.
How be it, Nature does not suffer fools. Gladly or otherwise. She has established the rules and has provided us with the Intelligence to interpret and abide by Her Laws.
Mother Nature does not play favorites
If I misconstrue Her Law, and get it wrong, She will fulfill my
flawed demand as requested. The consequences of my demands are my
responsibility. Whether right, or wrong.
If I desire a
particular result, Good or evil, which is possible within Nature's all
encompassing jurisdiction, I must do it Her way or waste my time.
Nature's stringent conditions represent a double edged sword – On one hand failure
provides an opportunity to learn. On the other hand, each
misinterpretation one makes carries with it the consequences of damage and loss.
This is epitomized in the simple, often ignored adage, measure twice, cut once.
You will be aware of the crucial role one's current Thinking ability plays here.Thinking ability is a skill. Skills can be refined and improved. Endlessly.
A skill of some considerable magnitude is to develop your capacity to commit the majority of mistakes in your Imagination. Before you embark on creating Physical Reality.
It is no coincidence that this skill applies equally to the Physical Laws and the Spiritual Laws.
Nature places no limits on the number of attempts one may make to achieve success in any endeavor.
None the less - She insists we accept responsibility for our actions
By neglecting to take responsibility for our actions we introduce additional circumstances that must be dealt with at some stage. Recall that the only solutions that stand the test of time to problems of all description, are equatable propositions borne of Harmony.
Regardless of the station in Life a person may occupy, near, and far, we see Human violation of Nature's fundamental requirement of Harmony, every day. Violating Harmony Introduces chaos, denying violators, and others in the sphere of influence of the violator, the creation of joy and satisfaction of succeeding.
This lack of limits holds true for Good or evil intentions. Humans are free to choose the path to follow. Nature responds to our Thoughts and actions without bias or prejudice. Whether one's Thoughts be Good or evil.
Good or evil though, elicits vastly different manifestations, and it is best that we understand the laws of Nature intimately enough to predict the long term consequences of our Thoughts, decisions and actions.
Misinterpretation of the Spiritual Laws of Nature is a primary cause of strife amongst Human Beings.
Unlike Human instituted Laws, you will never experience the Laws of Nature being amended or rescinded.
Dependable and reliable, it is well worth the effort to learn, understand, and apply them.
Nature's laws do not require a bevy of lawyers to interpret them, nor a judge and jury to deliver a verdict.
Of most significance, in the eyes of Nature every individual on the planet is an equal Human being.
No person is a nobody.We all possess much potential in one or more directions
Appropriately applying the Laws of Nature to our every action, on purpose, allows each one of us to realize that potential.
Confirming Her dependability and reliability, when dealing with Nature, She provides one with the nous to understand Her, that She is in command.
beautiful woman does not negotiate. The failure to comprehend this is the
root cause of all Human mistakes. She is the Universal Comptroller. Her books,
at her discretion, must, and do, balance.
This is another excellent opportunity, to recall, Francis Bacon's Thought provoking, attention demanding, paradoxical, advice here.
To Control Nature We Must Obey Her
While the above statement is essentially accurate, I have changed one word. My confession can be examined on this page.
Mastering this philosophy of Life entails developing the ability to understand the Laws of Nature generally, but in particular as they relate to Human behavior.
It is well within the capabilities of a committed, determined individual, who has the courage to become his or her own teacher.
Learn this Philosophy of Life as self taught and you will realize you can learn anything that you can set your mind to.
The gaining of mental and physical adroitness comes about with study and practice.
Combining study, comprehension, and practice, one soon becomes competent. From that point forward, Conscious and appropriate application of the laws of Nature to everything you do will become part of your everyday activities. And you will go on to discover the greatest secret of your mind.
The ever present temptation in our lives to take short-cuts will lose it's power to influence you. Instead, it will serve as a useful reminder that all your exertions are focused in the right direction, for all the right reasons. Harmonious Success is now a matter of effort and time.
What better place to be?
The Laws of Nature Rock!
Next - Example Of Natural Law