Natural Eugenics – Helping Nature Nurture

Part 2 - Part 1

Hopeful Proposition

Natural Eugenics is a proposition that offers Hope to Humanity, per se, by encompassing everything Human.

With wise use Natural Eugenics cannot be misappropriated, has no downside, and places the Power to influence another's approach to Life where it belongs. With the individual's support group.

The concept of “Good Birth” is sound

It has nothing in common with it's odious namesake.

Today, eugenics suffers from a blemished reputation. Earned from the activities of morally misguided and not always well intentioned Minds.

The creepy, disturbing story of eugenics, is an eerie example of warped Thinking and clearly presents us with a classic case of what not to do.

Nevertheless, the concept of “good birth” is a sound proposition. This concept deserves to be restored to a prominent, respectful position from where it can be widely received. And put into practice.

Via the Principle of Cooperation we can all work with Nature to build and develop a platform where Parents can nurture and influence a brand new Mind. Setting this brand new Mind on the path of full Self Realization with confidence, that as a Parent, we are taking the best possible action to underpin this new Mind's secure future.

.An action that is not only highly desirable, but it would appear to be an absolute necessity to resolve the conflict prone condition that we Humans find ourselves so readily susceptible to.

Just To Be Perfectly Clear

This author is most definitely not advocating selective breeding, sterilization, or any form of genetic interference or manipulation. That is not only repulsive, but measures of this sort retain all the undesirable traits that Personal Development endeavors to eliminate.

Let offspring originate in genuine love

He is proposing working in unison with Nature to take full and complete advantage of all She offers in the sphere of overall Human amelioration.

Let offspring be conceived in genuine love. Minds who are nurtured in a comfortable environment of Conscious Awareness from before conception.

Henceforth developing, and maintaining a lifestyle that continuously cultivates a benign atmosphere of Harmonious Reciprocity.

Surely every Parent's dream for their Children.

No Downside

In contrast to interfering with Nature via mechanical Gene alteration, otherwise known as genome editing, practicing Natural Eugenics is predictable and carries no downside.

Natural Eugenics functions in the same manner that sensible nutrition and exercise nourishes the physical body. Enhancing it's capabilities and endurance. 

Natural Eugenics Offers Enlightenment

From the viewpoint of recruiting Nature's help, and working with Her to develop a platform we can all contribute to, share, and pass on to future generations, this author proposes a new, unrelated fork of Eugenics, and because the concept itself is worthy, entitle it “Natural Eugenics”.

Developing this fork means working in Harmony with Nature to do the right and best thing in the quest to prepare a new Life with the most optimal opportunity possible for that new Life to develop and exploit his or her own innate Brainpower.

The culminated effect of such a platform would be an incorruptible Thinker who is determined to accentuate Universal Good. Incorruptible Thinking should be embraced and encouraged as the foundation for a truly sound Society.

Early adopters can appraise, develop, and implement a suitable platform in a structured way. A platform that is readily understood, and can easily be passed on to future generations. At the same time retaining autonomy over self.

Adopting the suggested title of Natural Eugenics, for this new platform, provides an enduring reminder of what not to do.

Influential Thinking

The genesis for this fork lays with prospective parents. Whose mutual, earnest, consistent Thinking dwells on their shared definite intention to influence Evolution.

The same Influential thinking can be practiced by like minds at any stage of life

Specifically, to influence Nature to take into account these prospective Parents shared Desire, to procreate offspring who spontaneously favor enacting this Universal Good.

The same Influential Thinking can be implemented by Like Minds at any stage of Life, who are willing to support such a concept. All helping to build a groundswell of sentiment expressing a common Desire to Evolution eliciting positive change.

With adequate participation, Natural Eugenics could have a significant influence on wider Human affairs by affecting prevailing conditions and persuading Nature to assimilate positive change at the genetic level.

Nature could then build on and improve Her response to our valid spiritual requests as more and more individuals willingly adopt, and practice, desirable traits, in an ever widening sphere.

Accomplishing this state of being entails harnessing Universal Power, in the guise of Universal Good, via Spiritual Intelligence.

This power is accessed by our Subconscious Minds, initiated and sustained by our Conscious Desire to create a better World, for ourselves, and our fellow travelers. This we can do on an individual basis.

Nature will take care of the rest.

Purposeful Mindset

As a powerful purposeful mindset embracing Universal Good, takes hold and gains traction, the initial beneficiaries of Natural Eugenics will pass on their perhaps already altered Genes to a new generation.

Evil opportunities will vanish

A new generation of Minds that will be born into the lap of purposely structured, lifelong, Loving Nurture.

This Lovingly Nurtured new Mind's spontaneous positive response to Desirable Traits and Universal Good creating a momentum of such magnitude that evil doers will find it so difficult to practice their vile trade that undesirable traits will become redundant.

The Universal force for Good is powerful, but it has to be engaged, cultivated, nurtured and directed. In contrast, that behavior we term evil, is, much like infesting weeds, self propagating.     

Every dedicated gardener knows, in a well tended garden, weeds stand Buckley's chance of survival. Buckley was a Legendary Australian who stood no chance of achieving a particular aim.

In place of the common squabblers and bickerers, we produce generations of Right Thinking individuals. Men and women who can work in Harmony, with each other, and Nature, in an atmosphere of total Freedom. – Mind, Body, and Spirit, to produce a World of abundance for all.

Natural Eugenics presents the potential to build a well tended Universal Mind.

Natural Eugenics Rocks!

Part 2 - Part 1

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