A Peaceful World Requires Developed Minds

A Peaceful World

A Good World requires Good Humans. A Peaceful World requires developing Minds.

Personal Development is indeed personal. An individual is obliged to take accountability for his or her self development. No one can expand your Mind except you.

Nevertheless, Personal Development holds Universal ramifications. All Right Thinking Humans aspire to share the Rational Desire of building an equitable, peaceful World. Peace is perhaps the single most significant interest we Humans can share.

A peaceful World will not come about by chance

To state the bleeding obvious, we do not have a Harmonious world.

A peaceful future will not come about by mere happenstance. Future Peace requires precision engineering, effected by Developing Minds, in close affinity with Nature.

Cumulative advance is gained by Humans who recognize the enormous Spiritual Intelligence available to the Human Mind. Then assimilating this Power and applying it to the Common Good. Thus rendering it Universal. This non violent attitude is the only effective way to  counter evil committed by undeveloped minds.

Whether that evil is intentional or not

Universal Power

This author holds the view that Personal Development is synonymous with Universal Power. Once we assimilate this power in a competent manner, we become one with Nature, and can contribute to this Common Good, in our own way. One can do this, by working alone, side by side, or across the vastness of the Universe. Proximity is irrelevant.

This author firmly believes that the method to proficiently clean up the chaotic mess we have created, and restore Order and Harmony, to both our Relationships and the Environment that supports us, is via Personal Development and Spiritual Intelligence.

Ultimate Secret

Attaining this essential to Planetary survival goal will remain an uphill battle however, until we reach the tipping point, where an adequate number of Good Humans educate themselves in mind expansion, to the level of discovering, and understanding, the Awesome Power of the Ultimate Secret of the Human Mind. Then undertake to apply the Secret, in their own way, to the Common Good.

This is why this author places every emphasis on the importance of the Developing Individual throughout this site.

The Scene Is Set

This author has set the scene for the unfolding of this Website, by documenting where we Humans have been, where we now are, and where we could be. You are cordially invited to join him on this journey to determine Humanities Good future.

You are cordially invited to join us

How to get to where we could, and should, be, will be our focus. One should be aware from the outset that it will require nothing less than a consummate understanding of how we relate to Nature, and how Her magnificent gift, our Mind, functions.

In common with all learning, the comprehension of our relationship with Nature can only be gained on an individual basis. This does not mean we need to learn in isolation.

We can help and support each other along the path of learning by approaching subjects from multiple angles. Thus broadening the doorway to knowledge and increasing our chances of 'getting it'.

But we should keep in mind that we can no more learn for another than we can eat another's meal for them. Emphasizing again the personal nature of Mind Expansion.

Possession of material wealth, and power, can be gained by honest, or amoral means. Not so Personal Development.

Mind Power comes by dint of honest effort. The only cheating possible is cheating oneself, by not applying honest effort and denying oneself the benefit of the Ultimate Secret.

Positive Results

This is foremost a practical website. Written with an overarching, all encompassing purpose in mind. That purpose being Positive Results.

Our goal is to understand

Positive results are obtained by knowing what you want before you start. And comprehending Natural Laws that enable you to achieve your desire.

Yeah, I know, learning implies work. But you would not be reading this, if you were afraid of work.

See? This philosophy is kicking in already.

Personal Development offers Humanity the potential to save the World. In whatever manner you may believe it needs rescuing. You have much choice, but save it, we must.

Rescuing the World, from the folly of past, and present, Human misinterpretation of Natural Law, is a bottom up project. We are all in this together and we all of have an equal say.

Building a Competent Self, with a Powerful Mind, is an essential beginning to constructing the Peaceful World where we can attain our dreams with equanimity.

To get the most out of this Site, it is best read with a can do attitude and the realization that every page is related to every other page. And at this stage to many pages yet to be written.

Our shared purpose is to understand. You can contribute to constructing a Blueprint to live a successful life for each and every one of us to implement. Together, we can create a Peaceful World.

A Peaceful World Rocks!

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