This segment of Solo Build It! Tools Review highlights the relationship between Website and Search Engine, and how SBI! harmonizes compliance.
A relationship, identified as Search Engine Optimization, otherwise known as SEO, that is so important, if we don’t get it right, one may well as not have a Website. Or in our case, a Web Business.
Consider a badly optimized site akin to a badly tuned motor vehicle with unreliable components, not welcome on any road.
Search Engine Optimization requirements are the essential guidelines, or - more to the point - rules, that facilitate smooth, elegant interaction between Website, Search Engine, and Searcher, so a searcher finds what he or she seeks, with minimum fuss and as much satisfaction as possible. In much the same way Road Rules are intended to harmonize and improve traffic flow, so one’s destination is reached efficiently.
Both scenarios rely heavily on knowledgeable participants doing the right thing.
If you drive a motor vehicle, you know when your fellow travelers are doing the right thing, and when they are not, and the consequences of either scenario. Extrapolate that understanding to the Web. A good driving experience and a good web search experience have a lot in common.
Practically and emotionally.
Whatever road we are traveling, doing the right thing must be intentional. Doing so in cyberspace is not an imposition, it is a huge advantage. Unlike on the physical road where it appears one can risk breaking the rules with impunity, until a calamity occurs, on the cyberspace road, with the advent of Artificial Intelligence, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to get past first base, without being penalized.
SEO can be divided into three phases:
and. . .
As a Webmaster you are directly involved in two of these phases, On-Page Criteria, and Social Media Signals. Following the SBI! Action Guide keeps you in compliance, up to date, and informed of important changes, and, dare I say it, WWW progress!
With the advancement of Artificial Intelligence, the advent of Social Media, and the ubiquitous adoption of Mobile Devices, we are in a transitional period of how Search Engines perceive and rank Websites.
Nevertheless, whatever direction those perceptions take, the fundamentals of presenting well structured Web pages to the search engines, and they to site visitors, will remain the same. As Authors, this is our responsibility to get these fundamentals right, and will probably remain so.
These fundamentals are simply technical details and known as On-Page Criteria. They include compliant File Name, Keyword placement and density, Page Title, Page Description, Headings and links.
Solo Build It! covers these and all other On-Page Criteria in detail. SBI! is all about the very practical and sensible purpose of getting it right. This does not mean everything first time every time. That is not reality. Even the most accomplished artisan recognizes that his or her efforts are a work in progress, that it evolves.
What we can get right, first time every time, before we air a page, are the standardized details that are critical to search engine listing and ranking. particularly in the technical sense. This initially complex process is simplified by using Solo Build It! Tool, Analyze it!
SBI! Tool - Analyze it! - performs it’s function with clinical precision
It is an excellent front line instrument that informs you - at the click of a button - whether or not your page is correctly optimized to harmonize with the Search Engines On-Page Criteria
If your efforts do not meet all On-Page Criteria - Analyze it! details how to remedy any errors and comply
Exhibiting time saving efficiency, this wizard tool obviates energy sapping fumbling around, not knowing for sure if you have your pages SEOed correctly.
Google and Bing Search Engines provide Webmaster Tools that enable you to monitor - and comply, with requirements that enhance a searchers experience.
Google recently changed her Webmaster Tools title to Google Search Console, to better reflect the wide ranging audience she serves. Bing simply calls her service Webmaster. That other dynamic search engine, Yahoo! employs Bing’s resources for the same purpose. Get it right on Bing and you get it right on Yahoo!
Both search engines indicate clearly their SEO requirements. While they overlap somewhat they compliment each other, and for good reason. The aforementioned elegance is their goal. Every capable Webmaster will applaud this intention.
When you partner with Solo Build It!, the critical technical Off-Page Criteria, such as Page Speed, and Device Responsiveness, are taken care of automatically, in that humming background that is the Powerhouse of SBI! Administration.
Albeit, it is fun and satisfying to cross reference your site with the search engine provided tools, and they thank you for passing their rules and requirements with flying colors.
This too is confidence inspiring. Ken Evoy would simply call this "keeping it real"
While Social Media Signals can technically be lumped in with Off-Page Criteria, it is beneficial to think of them as a stand alone segment. Engagement here will be critical, as is soon to experience.
Social Media Signals are very much an emerging element of website ranking. This newness notwithstanding, SiteSell has amassed a wealth of knowledge on the subject, which is now at the top of my to study list.
The most unpredictable aspect of ranking involves Social Media. The signals the search engines derive here are from purely Human Behavior. As such, my money is on the quality sites gaining the attention and focus of the Smart Algorithms that hold the future of the Internet in their hands.
It is the quality sites that fulfill a searcher’s desire to gain knowledge, solve problems, and find indispensable products . . .
The type of quality site that you can write with Solo Build It! Tools
SBI! is at the leading edge of all three Search Engine Optimization parameters
Using these tools you can forge ahead with that ever growing feeling of confidence
Whilst the less prepared struggle gamely - winging it - only to be outwitted by a piece of intelligent software
As the saying goes . . . . it’s all in the knowing
Solo Build It! Tool, Analyze it! is but one Tool amongst more than eighty modules SBI! provides in one complete e-business building package. Combined with SiteSell's Background Administration, they add up to superb time and effort saving efficiency.
When used in conjunction with the Action Guide this package is your passport to accomplishing not merely a quality website, but a quality income producing e-business.
Solo Build It! Search Engine Optimization Rocks!
Next - Solo Build It! Tools Review - Action Guide