Universal Law Of Attraction
Reaching A Conclusion

Part 6 -  Part 5

Harmony Is Paramount

The inner Workings of the Universal Law Of Attraction have held our attention over the previous several pages.

We have discovered there is much to assimilate, recognizing that there is more to this potent Law than meets the eye. One could be forgiven for believing that complexity is the reason for it's widespread misunderstanding.

Albeit, reason and explanation are not substitutes for equitable action.

Harmony is paramount

Of utmost importance, we have discovered that our Minds are constructed in such a manner as to interact seamlessly with the infinite Source Of Knowledge, that being Spiritual Intelligence.

Notwithstanding such a connection, there is an essential proviso necessary to engender  Good, and avoid evil.

That simple but not so easy to implement - for many Humans - proviso is we work in Harmony with Nature. And by extension, each other.

Consider this one - albeit demanding - requirement with the questionable manner in which so many sectors of Society interact.

Behavior wise, Humanity is treading a mediocre path, trending towards the inferior.

Undesirable traits are brazenly exerting their destructive influence on Humanities established legal systems, politics, and business affairs. It is easy to imagine how the law of attraction is on auto-pilot in the minds of those responsible for the abominations in our midst. The lack of Thinking Skill amongst the criminally inclined is palpable.

Begotten of sheer ignorance, this Brazen and destructive behavior we are being compelled to witness moment by moment, is untenable, and exemplifies how little is comprehended of this law that enables Humans to advance themselves Materially and Spiritually, in a sustainable manner.

Inscribed below, accentuating Nature's demand for Harmony, Ralph Waldo Emerson provides us with a fitting conclusion to this brief discourse.

The Universal Law Of Attraction Is Working Perfectly

More than eight billion individual Minds exist on this Planet. Each one of these individual Minds possesses the potential to communicate with Spiritual Intelligence, and purposely use the Universal Law Of Attraction. One, and all, of these eight plus billion individuals have their own expressions of desire to Spiritual Intelligence. Whether aware of that fact or not.

The universal law of attraction is dutifully fulfilling our desires

When a lack of understanding of how the law of attraction operates encourages wrong Thinking, conflict of interest becomes inevitable, leading to eventual deterioration of relationships, which in turn, lead to chaotic conditions.
The current state of individual and World affairs stands in stark testimony to that fact.

By meekly accepting this chaotic state of affairs as "normal", we are constructing an untenable environment directly linked to wrong Thinking.

This sorry state of affairs will not change, until we change our Thinking. For the simple reason that the universal law of attraction is dutifully fulfilling our wrong Thinking desires.

This law is working perfectly. Nature is delivering exactly what our Collective Unconscious has demanded. She is merely responding to our collective dominating Thoughts.

Building A Concept Of Who You Are

An excellent foundation on which to build a competent understanding of the universal law of attraction is to study Ralph Waldo Emerson's perception of our relationship to Nature. Take note In particular of his conclusion, that, as an individual, you are the creator in the finite.

The creator of what, is entirely your choice. Beautiful music?  A sustainable source of energy that is environmentally sound? A political system that brings together and nurtures Humans in joyful harmony?

Whatever it is, and it synchronizes with the Common Good, no-one has the right to interfere with the execution of such a desire. Acting intelligently on such desires will bring changes so desperately needed for joyful harmony.

Your innate capabilities will determine the realization of your desires in accordance with your comprehension and application of the tools provided by Nature to understand Her. This site is amassing those tools. Please stay tuned.

When one fully comprehends the universal law of attraction, the realization arrives that evil is begot of ignorance, and that knowledge is the sole solution to the elimination of evil.

Once this realization is fully assimilated, you will become a walking, talking, law of attraction executive. For yourself, and for the Common Good.

You will know, with complete confidence, that whatever you set your mind to, you will attain. And, because your accomplishment contributes to the Common Good, you are justly entitled to the rewards of that accomplishment.

When the Universal Law Of Attraction is better comprehended, by all Humans, thoroughly, we can look forward to a guaranteed Harmonious and Prosperous World.

Epitome Of Thought And Action

An appropriate note to conclude this summary on, is recognizing a couple of great minds employing the law of attraction for the Common Good.. . . .

There should be no confusion about thinking and action

When Elon Musk, an inspirational modern entrepreneur, who Thinks in terms of the Laws of Physics, was asked how he has accomplished so much - PayPal, Solar City, Tesla, SpaceX Program - by Curator Chris Anderson in this TED Talk interview, replies that he does not have a good answer, then with a spread of arms, exclaims, "I work a lot. I mean, a lot."

Work is otherwise known as action.

Some three hundred years earlier, when Isaac Newton, the man who discovered many of the physical laws that Elon employs, was quizzed about how he contributed so much to Science, responded with a definite "Because I Think of nothing else."

 Both men are right.

Elon Musk offers some further sound advice. "Seek, and Listen, to criticism from friends."

There should be no confusion about Thinking and Action, both are essential to succeeding at anything. Thinking comes first, but action should follow hotly on Thinking's heels. Doing so in an environment of genuine Freedom.

Great Minds Think Alike

Elon Musk and Isaac Newton put Emerson's prescription to practical use. We can also apply it equally effectively to harmonize our relationships, whilst we go about accomplishing what we are passionate about.

In some appreciation of his provident input, helping generations to get their intellects around this major influence in the affairs of Humanity, it is fitting to permit Ralph Waldo Emerson the final word.

"All successful men have agreed in one thing - They were causationists. They believed that things went not by luck, but by law. That there was not a weak or a cracked link in the chain that joins the first and last of things. . . ."

You will recognize this Belief, in the Law Of Universal Causation, blooming resplendent within the Thoughts and actions of Elon Musk and Isaac Newton. Pertinently you will find it repeated ad infinitum throughout this brief commentary of Good Human progress.

What are you Thinking about now??

The Universal Law Of Attraction Rocks!

Next - Is There A Secret Formula For Success?

Part 6 -  Part 5

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