What Does Cooperation Mean?

Overarching Umbrella

What does cooperation mean is discussed on this and a number of following pages under related headings.  define cooperation Begins this discourse.

What Does Cooperation Mean

Cooperation can be considered an overarching, all encompassing umbrella. An attentive State Of Mind that brooks no nonsense, but is ever ready to work in Harmony with others.

Without cooperation there would be no civilization

An all encompassing  umbrella that spans a spectrum from the most transient of acts that may momentarily benefit a lone individual - - -

All the way up to vital international agreements containing the fervent hopes of protecting ourselves from inclinations of folly at the highest levels of authority and influence.

All agreements work when mutually respected, vindicating the Power of acting in Harmony. Without real Cooperation there would be no Civilization.

On Purpose

Comprehending the philosophy of Personal Development, enables one to understand, get along in concordance with, and influence others.

Personal Development Tools provide a framework and foundation for meeting others as equal Human Beings, on purpose. Without threats, without violence, and without the icky ugliness of attempted domination.

Comprehending Personal Development, should be of particular interest to Leadership, where an infusion, of cooperative and tolerant understanding, of others, meaning each other, would make an immediate improvement to the quality of life of every living creature on the planet. Including a Leader's own existence.

A Leader is a stand-out when he or she embraces the inexorable influence of  Tools and Mind provided by the philosophy of Personal Development. Utilizing these tools to instill confidence in intelligent followers, encouraging self empowerment, via intrinsic Thought.

Leaders who totally embrace Mind Expansion are Strong, Reliable, Dependable Leaders. They resolve problems and make progress without recourse to violence, deception, and corruption.

The unintelligent, defective practicing, of violence, deception, and corruption, are the bane of progress. Retarding the advancement of Society.

Cooperating with each other Intelligently, delivers the means to attain Peace, Prosperity, and Goodwill, in every Human endeavor. Via offering a definite pathway any resolute Human can follow.

No Reciprocation - No Progress

It would appear to this author that Humans tend to allow primitive behavioral instincts to influence their actions. This type of behavior can only lead to strife and serious confrontation. Even if the protagonists have superior fire power, so to speak, at their disposal. 

Cooperation is a two way street, reciprocation is essential

Superior fire power is always at the mercy of superior Will Power and Thinking ability.

All the advantages we may perceive we hold over our fellows at any one time, have a predetermined shelf life before the tables are turned.

A cooperative mindset is a sound foundation, and, it should be conceded, the only foundation, on which to build stable relationships. Cooperating in Harmony is a two way street.

Reciprocation is essential. Where-ever reciprocation is not present, there can be no progress.

Cooperation is one of the most powerful and useful, laws that Nature allows us to be privy to. Nevertheless, in common with every other Natural Law, it can be, and often is, abused. With devastating consequences. Recall that the Laws of Nature cannot be broken.

What can these devastating consequences be ascribed to, other than a lack of understanding of this potent tool?

 Be Reasonable - Do It My Way

The first time this author became aware the saying, be reasonable, do it my way, it elicited a giggle.

Young, and inexperienced, in the ways of Human behavior, he trustingly believed that elected authority had a rational grip, on the levers of power, that dictate the state of a given Society. He believed that the Society he lived in had capable, and knowledgeable, Wise Minds running the show. Uh oh.

Nothing will change until, as a species, we grasp the significance of the law of cooperation, and by extension, what does cooperation mean?

On the surface, apart from a few dopey criminals being hauled before the courts for attempting to take advantage of their fellows, Society seemed to be running like clockwork.

In a young euphoric state of callowness he even believed war was fought to keep the bad guys at bay.

Unaware that war is an admission of total failure.

His teenage mind simply did not, as opposed to could not, grasp the fact that employing violence and force against fellow Humans would not teach them a lesson.

He failed to relate, in those formative years, that the now outlawed, brutal canings he endured at school, merely made him more determined to do things his own way.

The exact response that being treated in such an inhumane manner by so called superior authority should draw. Unbeknown to his antagonists they helped him build an immense source of Fortitude. A resource that has been his constant associate for more than half a century.

Takes Time

It was some years into this author's search for enlightenment and his horizons were being gradually widened by comprehending, but by no means condoning, much of what was going on in the World, that he made the connection between force and ignorance.

Teetering on the brink of nuclear warfare for a number of decades gives one pause to wonder what the dickens are we, as intelligent beings, doing.

To this author's curious mind, the instigators, of social disruption in the various trouble spots around the Globe, are of the same Mindset as those so called disciplinarians at school, who viewed violence against their young charges as legitimate means to enforce conformity.

Often, the Desire to dominate overrides Intelligence, generating spiritual and material chaos. Today, the evidence for this phenomenon is overwhelming.

Nothing will change for the better, until, as a species, we grasp the significance of the Law of Cooperation, and by extension, what does cooperation mean?

Be reasonable, do it my way, no longer elicits a laugh, when it is used as a blatant attempt to force one person's will on another.

This author's eclectic sense of Philosophy has equipped him with the faculty to focus on, and understand, what cooperation means, and choose to add to the joy of the World, and the joy of being a Civilized and Good Human. By working in total harmony with like minded others, to attain universally mutual benefit.

Asking - What Does Cooperation Mean - Rocks!

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